DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sons of Mogh" - 12/15/95 - ACT TWO 20. 14 CONTINUED: (2) SISKO (Cont'd) Keep him informed of what's going on, but under no circumstances is he to accompany you. Is that clear? KIRA Yes, sir. Sisko nods to them as a dismissal. Kira EXITS to the Promenade, but O'Brien hesitates. O'BRIEN Sir... SISKO Don't say it, Chief. I've already got one officer defending Worf. I don't need two. O'Brien can see that Sisko means it and he decides to let it go at that. He EXITS. Off Sisko's still disturbed face... CUT TO: 15 INT. SURGERY Worf is standing over the unconscious form of Kurn, who's lying on the table under the clamshell. BASHIR and an N.D. Nurse are standing nearby. BASHIR He's stabilized. I can revive him at any time. Worf waits a long moment, and then finally looks up at BASHIR. WORF Wake him. Bashir applies a hypospray to Kurn's throat and he begins to wake up. BASHIR I'll be right outside if you need me. Worf nods and BASHIR EXITS with the Nurse. Kurn blinks a few times and then sees the face of his brother looking down at him. KURN I... am alive.