DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sons of Mogh" - 12/15/95 - ACT ONE 7. 4 CONTINUED: (2) KURN So in avoiding dishonor for yourself, you brought it on the rest of your family. What a noble act... how selfless. WORF (hard) I will not debate this with you, Kurn. What is done... is done. KURN (hard) For you it's done! You and your comfortable Federation life and your glorious Starfleet career. But not for me. Worf can't argue with that and looks away for a moment... Kurn drops his voice and looks out the window as he thinks back on what has happened. KURN (continuing) Our family had a seat on the High Council. We were feared by our enemies. Respected by our friends. (beat) It was even said that if Gowron died... the leadership of the Council might have passed to someone from the House of Mogh. Kurn turns and looks at Worf with astonishment. KURN (quiet) Then you chose to side with the Federation against the Empire. Gowron took our lands... our ships... our seat on the Council... everything. WORF Kurn, I know that this has been difficult for you... KURN (anguished) What do you know? Did you watch as Gowron's men seized our lands and stripped our family of its name?