DEEP SPACE NINE: "Return to Grace" - 12/07/95 - ACT FOUR 43. 45 CONTINUED: DUKAT Do so. Then complete the repairs. I want this ship fully operational as soon as possible. 46 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) The bird of prey adrift over Loval. 47 INT. KLINGON BRIDGE Later. Kira and Damar are alone on the Bridge, completing some repairs. Kira taps a console. KIRA Ziyal -- can you see the phase compensator in the backup plasma manifold? ZIYAL'S COM VOICE (O.S.) What's it look like? DAMAR (to Kira) Maybe I should go help her. Klingon technology is... KIRA (nodding) Odd. Good idea. Damar EXITS. KIRA (tapping the console again) Hang on, Ziyal. Help is on its way. 48 NEW ANGLE as Dukat emerges from the Captain's quarters. He looks extremely long-faced, dejected.