DEEP SPACE NINE: "Return to Grace" - 12/07/95 - ACT FOUR 40B. 44C NEW ANGLE to see Kira and Dukat ENTER the empty bridge. Dukat looks at Kira triumphantly. DUKAT You're a magician, Major. KIRA Nothing magical about it... (a beat) ... when you know Klingon transporter codes. 44D INT. CARDASSIAN FREIGHTER - BRIDGE A very disoriented and surprised Klingon Captain and his men MATERIALIZE aboard the empty freighter. 44E INT. KLINGON BRIDGE Kira has taken a position at one of the terminals. She taps a few keys, then announces: KIRA It worked. All our people are here and all thirty-six Klingons are on the freighter. (allowing herself a smile) I can just imagine the Klingon Captain explaining this to his superiors... Dukat has stepped up to the weapons terminal and is working the panel. DUKAT He won't get the opportunity. And just as Kira realizes what Dukat means, Dukat taps the last key. 44F EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) The Bird of Prey fires its disruptors and the Cardassian freighter EXPLODES into tiny particles. 44G RESUME as the red glow of the explosion lights up Dukat's face, Kira watches silently.