72:[5,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Return to Grace" - 12/07/95 - ACT FOUR 40A. 44A INT. KLINGON CORRIDOR (OPTICAL) The Klingon moves through the corridor where THREE more KLINGONS work to repair a ruptured plasma line. Behind them, Kira and Dukat MATERIALIZE. Instantaneously, Kira and Dukat each FIRE one phaser blast, hitting their respective targets. The two remaining Klingons -- drawing their daggers -- pounce on the intruders. A ferocious hand-to-hand combat ensues. Kira is in her element but she has to use every one of her fighting skills to fend off the more powerful Klingon. Dukat and the other Klingon also battle hand-to-hand, but their fight is more evenly matched -- Cardassian strength vs. Klingon strength. As the fight progresses, it becomes clear that the Klingon may be a tad stronger, but Dukat is a tad wilier. Eventually, Dukat defeats the Klingon, killing him just moments before Kira kills her opponent. Out of breath, Dukat checks with Kira -- DUKAT Major... ? KIRA Just give me a minute. Using her tricorder, Kira finds an access panel and removes it. Working quickly, she begins tapping some keys on the panel and on her tricorder. Dukat moves to guard the door as Kira continues working. DUKAT Hurry, major. KIRA Be quiet. I need to concentrate. As Kira continues working... 44B INT. KLINGON BRIDGE (OPTICAL) K'TEMANG steps up to the viewscreen, where the Cardassian freighter hangs in space, vulnerably defenseless. K'TEMANG Lock target and fire! But just as he says the word "fire", he DEMATERIALIZES along with all his other men on the bridge.