DEEP SPACE NINE: "Return to Grace" - 12/07/95 - ACT THREE 33. 27 CONTINUED: (2) KIRA We have to make them think we have valuable cargo aboard. DUKAT How does refined dilithium crystal sound? I can get Damar to modify the subspace transceiver array to emit a false dilithium signal. If I know the Klingons, they'll lock their tractor beam on us and try to take our cargo. KIRA And we'll have a little surprise waiting for them. (a beat) Not bad. DUKAT (pleased) I told you we made a good team. You are as insightful a woman as you are intriguing... KIRA I thought we agreed to keep this strictly business. DUKAT Major, is it my imagination, or do you have a hard time accepting compliments? KIRA A hard time accepting them from you. Dukat shakes his head, bemused. DUKAT I'll try to restrain my enthusiasm, but I can't promise you anything. Kira decides to let that slide. KIRA We'd better get to Loval before the Klingons do. For the moment, Dukat agrees to get back on "business." He calls out to Damar.