42:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Return to Grace" - 12/07/95 - ACT THREE 32. 27 CONTINUED KIRA (still unconvinced) From what it says here, Loval's mainly a civilian outpost with only a small subspace relay station... the Klingons have been going after much bigger prizes. But Dukat knows something... DUKAT What it says there isn't exactly true. Loval is also a weapons research installation... which is supposed to be a closely guarded secret. But considering the targets the Klingons have hit so far, I think we may have underestimated their intelligence network. Kira looks over the map and the screen one more time before deciding: KIRA Sounds like a choice target. DUKAT Loval it is, then. The question is, even if we're right, can we stop them? KIRA All we need is one good shot with the new disruptor. DUKAT Which won't be easy to get considering they'll be cloaked. Kira starts formulating a plan... KIRA We don't have to find them. We just have to make them come to us. Dukat nods. He's catching on fast. DUKAT Lure them in. Make them think we're a helpless freighter. Kira has another thought.