48:[1,#b],76:[1,#b],197:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Return to Grace" - 12/07/95 - ACT THREE 27. 24 CONTINUED: (2) DUKAT You judge me too harshly, Major. Maybe I am seeking to regain my former position -- one which I earned through hard work, dedication and sacrifice. But redemption is not my sole motivation... (sincerely) I care about my people and I don't intend to allow the Klingons to get away with murdering them. (a beat) I'm a much more complicated man than you give me credit for. KIRA If that's true, then I suppose I prefer simpler men. DUKAT (ratty) Like Shakaar. It amazes me how a woman as intelligent and sophisticated as you could be attracted to such a lumbering, simplistic field hand. I mean, what could the two of you possibly talk about? KIRA That lumbering field hand is the First Minister of Bajor. And he knows more about how to talk to me than you ever will. DUKAT How can you be so sure? After all, you don't know me well enough to make a comparison. KIRA I don't want to know you well enough. And if you want to keep working with me, I suggest you stick to business. DUKAT Forgive me, major. I meant no harm. I was just making conversation. (back to work) Damar, set another target.