28:[1,#b],61:[1,#b],118:[1,#b],169:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Return to Grace" - 12/07/95 - ACT TWO 21. 20 CONTINUED: (2) KIRA You said the scanners showed the outpost's disruptors were disabled -- not destroyed, right? DAMAR That's correct. KIRA Dukat, do you think you can repair one of those disruptors? DUKAT What would be the point? I doubt we'll be able to lure the Klingons back to the outpost... KIRA Maybe not. But there's no reason why we can't make some alterations to your ship. Dukat looks at Kira skeptically. DUKAT What kind of "alterations"? 21 INT. CARDASSIAN FREIGHTER - CARGO BAY The cargo hold is packed to the rafters with large crates of all kinds (Cardassia is in dire need of anything, and that's just what Dukat has loaded the ship with). Kira and Dukat stand in the middle of this huge shipment. DUKAT Here? In the cargo hold? KIRA Why not? DUKAT Because the outpost's planetary defense weapons are System Five disruptors -- they were never designed to operate aboard a moving spacecraft, and this cargo bay wasn't designed to hold them! KIRA Dukat -- you're going to have to stop thinking like a Cardassian military officer.