DEEP SPACE NINE: "Return to Grace" - 12/07/95 - ACT TWO 18. 16 CONTINUED: Dukat reacts to what he perceives as an insult. DUKAT They'll pay a price for their arrogance. Charge phaser banks. Damar nods as Kira rushes up to Dukat. KIRA (concerned) What are you doing, Dukat? You can't go up against a bird of prey! DUKAT Must I remind you, Major, that they just murdered your people as well as mine? KIRA I know that. But getting all of us killed isn't going to change that. DUKAT (hard) We're the only Cardassian ship in the area and I'm not going to let those Klingons escape unchallenged... KIRA You attack them and all you'll be doing is giving them a little target practice. They'll blow us to pieces with their first shot! DAMAR Phaser banks charged. DUKAT Lock phasers on target. DAMAR Phasers locked... Kira can see there's no dissuading Dukat. KIRA Dukat -- at least lock onto the underside of their hull. It's their weakest spot.