DEEP SPACE NINE: "Return to Grace" - 12/07/95 - ACT ONE 9. 6 CONTINUED: ZIYAL This may seem odd to you--but there were times on Cardassia when I almost missed being a prisoner of the Breen. At least there, the Bajoran and Cardassian prisoners accepted me for who I was. (a beat) The only good thing about living on Cardassia was being with my father. KIRA I'm glad you two are getting along. Ziyal smiles. Talking about her father makes her genuinely happy. ZIYAL He's been wonderful. (a beat) And so brave. He never tried to hide me away. He never acted like he was ashamed of me. We'd go out to dinner, take long walks together. Once he even took me to a performance of his favorite Didactic Theater group. We sat right up in front. (a beat) He was so intimidating, no one dared to challenge my right to be there. KIRA And now that he's been exiled... ZIYAL Wherever he goes, I go. He's the only family I have. (re: the freighter) And this is the only home I need. Ziyal seems at peace, but Kira knows that her life has not been easy and the future isn't much brighter. KIRA Your father isn't the only one who's brave. A loud ALARM SOUNDS OFF.