108:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Return to Grace" - 12/07/95 - TEASER 6. 4 CONTINUED: KIRA Come in. The door opens to reveal GUL DUKAT. DUKAT Hello, Major. KIRA Dukat. What are you doing here? DUKAT I'm to escort you to your meeting on Korma. Kira is surprised. KIRA You're commanding the Groumall? Dukat remains his arrogant self throughout this admission. DUKAT Thanks to you. (off Kira's reaction) If you hadn't convinced me to bring my half-Bajoran daughter back to Cardassia, I'd still be the chief military advisor to the Detepa Council. KIRA They demoted you. DUKAT Exactly one week after my mother disowned me, and my wife took our children and left. KIRA You still did the right thing, Dukat. DUKAT And as a reward for following your advice, I have been relegated to ferrying freight and, occasionally, various foreign dignitaries -- such as yourself. KIRA Look, if blaming me makes you feel better, go right ahead.