127:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Crossfire" - 11/27/95 - ACT FIVE 58. 63 CONTINUED: ODO Are you sure you haven't been listening in on your holosuites again? QUARK Even if I wanted to, I couldn't. I don't have the right equipment. ODO Not anymore. Quark frowns at the memory of what Odo did to his eavesdropping device. QUARK By the way, I dropped by your quarters this morning. ODO Oh? QUARK I heard some noise, and when I went up there to complain, I found a work crew installing soundproofing in the floor. I have to say, Odo, I'm touched. That you would do something like that for me... Odo is not about to admit to Quark that he's doing it for him. ODO I'm having the floor... reinforced. The fact that they're soundproofing it as well is incidental. QUARK Uh-huh... ODO If you think I'd put up with three days of construction for your sake, think again.