DEEP SPACE NINE: "Crossfire" - 11/27/95 - ACT THREE 37. 35 CONTINUED: ... then Shakaar leans toward her almost imperceptibly, as if to see how she might respond to a kiss... the moment hangs in the air for a beat, then he seems to remember they're not alone, glances Odo's way... 36 ON ODO studiously staring at the wall in front of him. 37 ON SHAKAAR AND KIRA as they look at each other. KIRA We should get going... there's a lot more to see. Shakaar nods, and they turn away from the window and start toward the turbolift. ODO (hits combadge) Odo to Worf. INTERCUT WITH: 38 INT. SECURITY OFFICE WORF Go ahead. ODO'S COM VOICE We're heading back down to the Docking Ring. WORF (off monitor) Acknowledged. Your route has been secured. They EXIT to the turbolift and the door shuts behind them. 39 INT. TURBOLIFT as Odo, Kira and Shakaar ENTER and take position. ODO Level Two-D. COMPUTER VOICE Please enter security code.