DEEP SPACE NINE: "Crossfire" - 11/27/95 - ACT TWO 28. 28 CONTINUED: (4) SHAKAAR Talking about humanoid relationships can't be very interesting for you. ODO For the most part, no... A moment as they acknowledge the conversation they've shared, and then they part ways... 29 INT. WARDROOM where Quark is putting the finishing touches on a buffet table, complete with a PUNCH BOWL. Odo is scanning the room with a TRICORDER, and now approaches Quark's food display and starts scanning it. QUARK You don't have to bother, Odo, I can personally vouch for every one of my employees who had access to this food. Odo stops scanning for a beat. ODO I can't tell you how relieved that makes me feel. And with that, he continues scanning. Suddenly he reacts to some odd reading. Cautiously, he moves the tricorder closer to a fruit basket. ODO I'm reading some sort of power signature... Odo works the tricorder, then reaches in to the basket to pick out a small DEVICE. ODO A Ferengi eavesdropping device... (turning to Quark) I don't suppose you know anything about this? For a moment, Quark can't decide which way to jump.