DEEP SPACE NINE: "Crossfire" - 11/27/95 - ACT TWO 24. 27 CONTINUED: SHAKAAR (wry) So you're saying it's as plain as the nose on my face. Odo acknowledges Shakaar's humor. ODO I've been working with the Federation for a number of years. They claim to be open and understanding, but somehow, they're always convinced they're right. It can be exasperating at times. SHAKAAR I'm trying to get them to cut the timetable for Bajor's admittance to the Federation by half. Every time I think I've made them understand my reasons, they "remind" me that every Federation member has gone through the same admissions process. ODO (knowing) And why should Bajor be any different. SHAKAAR (sarcastic) I can't think of a single reason. ODO Unless of course, you take into account the effects a fifty year occupation might have on a society. SHAKAAR (someone understands) Thank you. They reach the door to Shakaar's quarters, where TWO GUARDS are posted. SHAKAAR I've been a soldier and I've been a politician... (wry) I have to say, I'm starting to think being a soldier was easier.