DEEP SPACE NINE: "Crossfire" - 11/27/95 - ACT ONE 15A. 11 CONTINUED: SHAKAAR I understand you used to work for the Cardassians when they were running the station. Odo stiffens a bit, wondering why Shakaar is bringing this up. ODO I was in charge of keeping order on the Promenade. SHAKAAR They could've given that job to one of their own people. They must've thought very highly of you. The statement hangs in the air for a beat... although Shakaar's tone was neutral, Odo can't help but wonder if it's an accusation... SHAKAAR I know Kira does. She once told me she trusted you with her life. Odo reacts to this unexpected turn in the conversation. ODO I'm gratified to hear that... SHAKAAR I've always found her to be a good judge of character... so I'll trust you with my life, as well. Odo acknowledges this gesture of faith with a nod. People are beginning to recognize Shakaar; some are rushing to see him, pressing forward to offer their hands.