DEEP SPACE NINE: "Crossfire" - 11/27/95 - TEASER 3. 1 CONTINUED: (2) KIRA (smiling) That answers my question... Kira continues reading, and we might catch Odo watching her over the top edge of his PADD. Truth is, he knows these reports by heart, and only goes through the formality of reviewing them with Kira as an excuse to spend time with her. KIRA What about item seven? ODO One of my deputies found Ojuy Gel scrawling political graffiti on a wall in section four. KIRA He's always riled up about something, isn't he? what was it this time? ODO He was protesting First Minister Shakaar's upcoming visit to the station. KIRA (nodding) He's been handing out leaflets saying that Shakaar should drop the petition to join the Federation. ODO Leaflets are one thing, vandalism is quite another. Ojuy spent a night in a holding cell for his trouble, and I understand the Arbiter sentenced him to three weeks of community service... (with satisfaction) -- on Sanitation Duty. Kira can't help but smile at Odo's evident pleasure in this fact. KIRA Just make sure he scrubs that wall clean before Shakaar gets here. I don't want him to see it. Odo nods. Just then QUARK ENTERS, looking harried and maybe a little tired. QUARK I'd like to file a complaint.