DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT FIVE 55. 50 CONTINUED: (5) The President sits down in his chair, crushed under the weight of his responsibility. JARESH-INYO I never sought this job. I was content to simply represent my people on the Federation Council. When they asked me to submit my name for election, I almost said no. Today I wish I had. Leyton's getting impatient. LEYTON We appreciate your feelings, Mister President, but we don't have time for regrets. You accepted the job and now it's yours. But Odo's also a man who's shouldered responsibilities he didn't ask for. He knows what the President's going through. ODO Mister President, there are people all over this planet right now huddled in the dark, terrified about what might happen next. They're waiting for a sign... something to reassure them that everything's going to be all right. But they won't wait long. Fear is a powerful and dangerous thing. And if you don't act, if you don't show them that they're not alone, then fear will surely take over. There's a long beat, then the President looks up at Sisko. SISKO Just give us the authority we need, Mister President. We'll take care of the rest. Jaresh-Inyo looks at Sisko for a beat, then picks up a PADD and taps in his personal authorization code, and hands the PADD to Sisko. JARESH-INYO Earth is in your hands, gentlemen. Do what needs to be done.