99:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT FOUR 44. 41 CONTINUED: SISKO (Cont'd) The only way to secure those facilities is to test everyone there whether they wear a uniform or not. JOSEPH I'm not living on a Starfleet installation. SISKO Dad, we can't play favorites. If we're going to test the family of one Starfleet officer, we have to test them all. As he speaks, Joseph continues chopping vegetables. But as he becomes more and more impassioned, Joseph concentrates less and less on his work, trusting years of experience to guide his hand. JOSEPH You may want to test everyone, but that doesn't mean we all have to cooperate. I didn't swear any oath to Starfleet, and neither did Jake... or your sister... or anyone else in this family. We have rights, Ben... including the right to be as stubborn and thickheaded as we want. Sisko's frustrations and concern about his father's health begin to boil over. And though he does his best to try to control the volume of his voice, there's no keeping the edge out of it. SISKO Damn it, Dad. Can't you cooperate just one time? You don't take your medication, you don't go to the doctor, you won't let Judith help you out in the restaurant. Just this once, please do what you're asked. Joseph doesn't want to get into a shouting match with his son, but he's clearly not happy either. JOSEPH I wish I could. But what you're asking me to do isn't right.