98:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT THREE 38. 38 INT. SISKO'S TEMPORARY OFFICE - DAY Sisko, Odo, Leyton and Benteen are all present. Leyton's just learned of the incident in the gardens, and he's pretty steamed. LEYTON How did you know he wasn't me? ODO (thinking aloud) I'm not sure exactly. It was as if... I could feel the changeling's hostility toward me. SISKO You're the only changeling who's ever harmed one of your own people. I'm sure that hasn't made you many friends. LEYTON What I want to know is... why was he imitating me? BENTEEN You have access to all our security procedures and all our protocols. That makes you a logical target. LEYTON I suppose so. BENTEEN The bottom line is... a changeling infiltrated the grounds of Starfleet Headquarters, imitated the admiral, and got away scot- free. Our security measures aren't working. SISKO We're doing everything the President will let us do. BENTEEN Maybe that's not enough. Sisko knows Benteen and Leyton have a point. He thinks about it for a beat.