DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT THREE 34. 33 CONTINUED: (2) Joseph's upset that he's not getting much of his son's time, and the fact that Sisko can't tell him what he's been doing only makes things worse. JOSEPH You'd think that admiral could spare you for a few hours a day to visit your father. With you in San Francisco and Jake off visiting that school in New Zealand, it's like the two of you aren't even here. SISKO You know, Dad, you could come and visit us on the station once in a while. JOSEPH Don't start that again. Earth's my home. It's where I belong. Besides, what would happen to the restaurant if I went gallivanting around the galaxy? You think Nathan could handle this place on his own? SISKO Nathan'll be running things sooner than you think if you don't take better care of yourself. I just had a talk with your doctor. He says you haven't been to see him in eight months. JOSEPH That man's an idiot. He's lived in New Orleans for twenty years and he can't tell the difference between Creole food and Cajun food. SISKO Maybe not, but he can tell the difference between a healthy body and one with progressive atherosclerosis. He says if you don't come in for vascular regeneration therapy, this restaurant's going to be looking for a new owner.