DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT THREE 33. 31 CONTINUED: (3) NOG It's pretty new. It's a way of rewarding excellence among the cadets. I have the grades to qualify, but I need to be sponsored by a high-ranking officer. SISKO You want me to put your name in for consideration? NOG All I'm asking for is a chance to prove myself. SISKO I'm kind of busy right now, Nog... (relenting) But if I get a chance, I'll see what I can do. NOG Thank you, sir. This means a lot to me. SISKO I can see that. (a beat) Dismissed cadet. NOG (with pride) Yes, sir. 32 OMITTED 33 INT. SISKO'S CREOLE KITCHEN - DAY Joseph and his staff are setting up the restaurant for dinner when Sisko ENTERS. JOSEPH Well, look who's here. Come on in, stranger. SISKO Sorry. I know I haven't been around much. Things have gotten a little busy.