DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT TWO 27. 27 CONTINUED: ODO Forgive the intrusion, Mister President, but as you can see, Starfleet has every right to be concerned. SISKO Allow me to introduce Odo, my chief of security. The President relaxes slightly. JARESH-INYO A very... effective entrance, Mister Odo. ODO One that never should've been allowed to take place. Admiral Leyton and Captain Sisko walked in here without being searched, without being blood-tested, and without having their possessions subjected to phaser sweeps. SISKO If Odo was a Dominion infiltrator, he could've killed you. LEYTON (pointedly) Or replaced you. Jaresh-Inyo reacts to Leyton's pronouncement. LEYTON With security the way it is now, a changeling could get anywhere on Earth, replace anyone... even you. SISKO Sir, all we want is your permission to increase security at Federation and Starfleet installations here on Earth. Blood tests will be limited to Starfleet officers and high- ranking Federation officials.