133:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT TWO 24. 24 CONTINUED: NOG It's just... the Academy is different than I thought it would be. JAKE Different how? NOG Some of the cadets. They're kind of standoffish. Especially the upperclassmen. JAKE Because you're a Ferengi? NOG That's what I thought at first. But then I heard some of the other freshmen complaining about the same thing. JAKE Complaining about what? NOG Little things. For instance, there's this group called Red Squad made up of all the top students. They're always going off on trips... getting special training... None of them'll even talk to me. JAKE You've only been at the Academy for a month. You can't expect to fit in right away. Who knows, one of these days you might even be in Red Squad. I'm sure if you let them get to know you, show them that you're a good guy to be around, everything'll work out. NOG I am a good guy to be around, aren't I? JAKE I always thought so. Nog smiles. He feels a little better.