DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT TWO 22. 22 CONTINUED: (3) SISKO I didn't know you liked Creole food. NOG I don't. I like tube grubs, and your father's the only person on this planet who can get me live ones. JOSEPH I'm thinking of adding them to the menu. Of course I'll have to cook 'em for my human customers, serve them with a nice remoulade. NOG Cook them? What good are tube grubs if they don't wriggle on the way down? JAKE So how's everything at the Academy? Nog tries to shrug the question off. The Academy is clearly something he doesn't want to talk about. NOG (trying to avoid the subject) Jake, they call it the Academy, but what it really is is school. JAKE I want to hear about it. NOG It's a lot of work. Lots of classes, lots of studying. But I'm doing okay. (a beat) Now where are those tube grubs? DISSOLVE TO: 23 INT. SISKO'S CREOLE KITCHEN - NIGHT - LATER It's closing time. Joseph is escorting the last of his customers out the door. JOSEPH Good night. You come back soon.