DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT ONE 16. 19 CONTINUED: (2). LEYTON (re: Odo) Forgive me for staring, but you're the first changeling I've ever met. BENTEEN That you know of. Benteen is making a joke, but neither she nor Leyton are laughing. Sisko picks up on the tension in the air. ODO I sympathize with your problem. Uncovering changeling infiltrators is no easy task. LEYTON Well with the help of the two of you, hopefully it'll be a little easier. SISKO What exactly do you want us to do, Admiral? BENTEEN We'd like to confer with you and Odo... see if there's anything about the Founders that you left out of your official reports. ODO I'll help any way I can. Though I think you'll find my reports were quite thorough. SISKO Admiral, somehow I doubt you brought us all this way just for a debriefing. LEYTON Of course not. Ben, Earth's in danger. Maybe the greatest danger it's faced since the last world war. Something has to be done about these Shape-shifters.