102:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT ONE 13D. 14B CONTINUED: O'BRIEN It's times like this that home seems a long way off. Bashir nods. BASHIR Let's get out of these uniforms. They EXIT. CUT TO: 15 OMITTED 16 INT. OPS O'Brien, Worf and Kira are at their stations. O'BRIEN The Lakota has gone to warp. WORF (to Kira) When was the last time the wormhole opened? KIRA Twelve hours ago. WORF Perhaps it has returned to normal. KIRA I suppose so. O'BRIEN You seem disappointed, Major. KIRA I guess I am. Part of me was hoping that the Prophets were behind it. That they were finally going to show themselves to the Bajoran people. WORF I prefer Klingon beliefs.