DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - ACT ONE 13C. 14B CONTINUED: O'BRIEN (Cont'd) You know, make sure they're doing okay. ODO I'll try to find the time. O'BRIEN Good. I'll tell them you might stop by. ODO Anyone you want me to look up, Doctor? BASHIR No, that's all right. I just wish I was going with you. ODO To be perfectly honest, Doctor, I wish you were both going with me. I could use the company. I doubt a Shape-shifter is going to be very popular on Earth at the moment. O'BRIEN No one can hold you responsible for what your people are doing. ODO (skeptically) Really. (a beat) I better get over to the Lakota. We'll be leaving shortly. BASHIR Good luck. O'Brien nods, seconding the motion. ODO I don't believe in luck. (softens) But I appreciate the sentiment. Odo EXITS. BASHIR (worried) Changelings on Earth.