118:[9,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - TEASER 8 CONTINUED: WORF Computer, restart at five nine sixteen at one-tenth normal speed. 9 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) Back on the monitor which displays the diplomats, moving in slow motion, seconds before the explosion. WORF (to com) Freeze-picture. Enlarge section F three and isolate. A square on the monitor is isolated and enlarged. The image is now a medium shot of three people, one Romulan and two humans. They're standing in front of a small pedestal holding a black Grecian vase. WORF (to Odo) Keep your eye on the piece of pottery. (to com) Resume at one-tenth speed. The people in the picture start moving again. For a split second, the Grecian vase can be seen beginning to MORPH. ODO That's a changeling. But before we or Odo can get a better look, the room explodes and the recording ends. 10 CLOSE ON ODO As he reacts to what he's seen. 11 NEW ANGLE To include Sisko and Worf. WORF No sign of a changeling was found in the aftermath. We must assume that it escaped unharmed.