9:[5,#b],15:[1,#b],168:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Homefront" - 11/04/95 - TEASER STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Homefront" TEASER FADE IN: 1 OMITTED 2 INT. PROMENADE - SECOND LEVEL (OPTICAL) SISKO and DAX stand at a viewport on the Second Level along with a crowd of other station residents. They watch as the wormhole opens, stays open for a beat, then closes. No ship enters or exits the wormhole. To the humans and other Federation personnel, this is an interesting scientific anomaly, but to the Bajorans, the wormhole's behavior has deep religious significance and they react accordingly. DAX There it goes again. That's the seventh time in the last two hours. SISKO Still no idea what's causing it? DAX So far it seems to be opening and closing completely at random. No unusual readings... no ships coming through... They begin to walk away from the viewport. As they walk, Dax occasionally glances over the rail down at the Second Level. DAX For all we know, the Bajorans are right. Maybe it is a message from the Prophets. As Sisko and Dax walk by a Bajoran monk, he bows his head in respect to the Emissary. Sisko nods back uncomfortably. SISKO (joking) If it is, they haven't told me.