40:[3,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Our Man Bashir" - 10/26/95 - ACT FIVE 47. 43 CONTINUED: (3) BASHIR That won't be necessary. Honey's given me all we need... Bashir holds up one of his handcuffed hands and shows Garak that he's holding a key. GARAK Kiss the girl, get the key. They never taught me that in the Obsidian order. Bashir quickly starts to unlock his handcuffs. The timer on the laser reaches 5... 4... 3... They react, move faster. Bashir frees his hands from the handcuffs and unlocks Garak. BASHIR Come on! 44 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) 44. As the two men race from the room, the laser begins FIRING straight down into the ground, BORING a HOLE deep into the earth. The cave starts SHAKING, rocks falling from the ceiling. CUT TO: 45 INT. CAVE TUNNEL Bashir and Garak running around the corner. They throw themselves up against the wall as an EARTHQUAKE strikes, jolting the cave, debris falling from the ceiling... then the earthquake stops. They're safe for the moment. Garak leans against the cave wall, breathing heavily and very much out of patience. Bashir sits down on the ground, touches the side of his shoe heel... 46 CLOSE ON SHOE A tiny panel POPS OPEN on the side of the heel, revealing a hidden compartment. Bashir pulls out the CHAMBER/ACTION for a semi-automatic pistol.