DEEP SPACE NINE: "Our Man Bashir" - 10/26/95 - ACT FOUR 38. 38 CONTINUED: BASHIR Yes. A most striking collection of rubies, tormaline, sapphires, topaz. From the high chromium content in the rubies, I'd say they're from the hydrothermal deposits of the Tibetan plateau. Bashir glances out the windows. BASHIR (continuing) Which isn't surprising, considering we're on the... south- eastern slope of Mount Everest. At about... twenty-two thousand feet I should say. SISKO Twenty-five actually. BASHIR You must not get many tourists. SISKO My guests and I place a premium on our privacy. We don't want any... unwelcomed guests -- such as men sent by governments who disagree with my political philosophy. KIRA And what is your philosophy? Are you some kind of anarchist? SISKO Anarchist? Quite the opposite. I believe in an orderly world. A far cry from the chaos we find ourselves in today. He pauses and looks out the window... lost for a moment in his private vision of the world. SISKO (continuing) We're building a new future here. A new beginning for mankind. A new chapter in human history will open... right here on my island. BASHIR Island?