47:[1,#b],101:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Our Man Bashir" - 10/26/95 - ACT TWO 21. 26 CONTINUED: KIRA In the past twenty-four hours, a series of earthquakes have struck cities from Vladivostok to New York. Our seismologists have analyzed them and come to the conclusion that the earthquakes were artificial. GARAK So? It's not that difficult. One only has to -- BASHIR Garak. KIRA (to Bashir) Your friend seems to know something. BASHIR Believe me, he doesn't know anything. KIRA If you say so. Because of the global nature of this crisis, my government and yours have decided to cooperate. We'll be working... very closely. BASHIR I'm sure we will. KIRA Our assignment is to find out who is behind these earthquakes and what they want. GARAK A pretty vague assignment. KIRA We do have one clue: one of the leading seismologists in the world, Professor Honey Bare, has vanished. We believe she's been kidnapped. Kira drops a black and white photograph onto Bashir's lap. He glances at it -- then reacts in shock.