49:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Our Man Bashir" - 10/26/95 - ACT TWO 13. 19 CONTINUED: ODO This is more complicated than just a normal Transporter pattern. We'll have to preserve the neural signatures of everyone on that runabout. Do you know how much memory it would take to save one person's neural signature, much less five? Eddington looks over the information on the monitor. EDDINGTON (desperate) I don't think we have any choice. Computer -- I need to store all data currently in the transporter pattern buffer. Where can I save it? COMPUTER VOICE Deep Space Nine has insufficient computer memory to save that quantity of data. An ALARM goes off on the transporter console. Odo moves to it. ODO (off monitor) The pattern buffer is beginning to lose coherence... the patterns will start to degrade any second now. EDDINGTON (gets an idea) Computer, what if we wiped all computer memory in every system on the station and then stored the patterns? COMPUTER VOICE The results of such an action cannot be predicted. ODO The buffer is depolarizing -- !