105:[1,#b],117:[4,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Our Man Bashir" - 10/26/95 - ACT ONE 14 INT. OPS As before. Eddington working. EDDINGTON I've locked on! Energizing! 15 INT. RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) Everyone in the runabout begins to DEMATERIALIZE. 16 INT. OPS (OPTICAL) The figures of Sisko, Kira, O'Brien, Worf, and Dax are just starting to MATERIALIZE on the transporter pad... 17 EXT. SPACE - THE RUNABOUT (OPTICAL) as it EXPLODES. 18 INT. OPS (OPTICAL) as a surge of ENERGY comes back through the Transporter beam and the Transporter stage itself EXPLODES. Everyone in Ops ducks at the blast. Eddington recovers first -- reacts in shock at the smoking empty transporter stage. What happened to them? Off his face... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE