117:[5,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Our Man Bashir" - 10/26/95 TEASER 4. 8 CONTINUED: (2) GARAK Is this fantasy of yours really that revealing of your inner psyche? BASHIR What? GARAK Is that why you're so protective? Afraid that I might learn some humiliating secret about the real Julian Bashir? BASHIR This is just a fantasy, Garak. I'm not hiding anything. GARAK If you have nothing to hide, then why not let me stay. Bashir struggles for a quick beat, finally decides that the easiest thing is just to stop arguing about it. BASHIR All right. But I've only got another two hours before I go on duty and I want to enjoy myself. So keep quiet and don't rain on my parade. GARAK Your parade? BASHIR Nevermind. GARAK Don't worry, Doctor. I can be quite discreet. You'll barely know I'm here. BASHIR Good. GARAK But if I may make one observation. BASHIR Garak... GARAK I just wanted to point out that your lovely companion is leaving.