73:[1,#b],81:[3,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/03/95 - ACT FIVE 50. 76 ON WORF as the batttle dust settles. He looks around at the vanquished enemy, and raising the Sword lets out the Klingon victory cry -- WORF Qapla'! -- and as he does, Kor attacks him by leaping onto his back and knocking the Sword out of his hands. 77 ON WORF AND KOR as they fight. This is not a clash between two titan Klingon warriors, this is brawl --an ugly, dirty, violent fight with Kor and Worf growling, clawing and scratching like wild dogs. Both Klingons are spent from the fight with the Klingons, Worf's injury helps level the playing field. Furthermore, Worf's youth and strength advantage are matched by Kor's experience and unbridled street- fighting skill -- and the fight could go either way. DAX Commander! But Worf and Kor are oblivious and continue their ugly brawl. Dax frantically goes to find her phaser. DAX Worf -- Worf has gained the upper hand and is choking Kor to death with his bare hands. Dax finds her phaser and points it at the combatants. DAX Stop! But he is not listening -- he has bloodlust in his eyes and will not be satisfied until Kor is dead. 78 ON DAX (OPTICAL) picking up her phaser and FIRING. 79 WIDER Worf falls back, stunned by her blast. Kor catches his breath, then realizing what Dax has done, he grins.