46:[2,#b],56:[6,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/16/95 - ACT FIVE 48. 69A CONTINUED: KOR This is between us. We'll settle it our own way... Worf lunges at Kor and their blades CLASH. Dax raises her phaser to stun them, when suddenly a disruptor BLAST EXPLODES behind her. Dax is knocked to the ground, the Sword falling from her hand. 70 ANGLE ON THE SOURCE (OPTICAL) of the blaster FIRE: the four Klingons --including Toral -- and the Lethean are attacking. 71 ON DAX, WORF AND KOR (OPTICAL) finding cover. Kor scrambles to the Sword, lifts it high over his head -- and YELLS the Klingon battle cry -- KOR MaH HIv DaH! (We attack now!) Kor charges forth with total and reckless abandon. It is an act of sheer, brave madness in the finest Klingon tradition.