DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/03/95 - ACT THREE 35. 49 CONTINUED: (4) KOR (contemptuous) And the invasion went ahead despite his objection. WORF That is why the Emperor needs the Sword. It will allow him to unify the Houses against Gowron. KOR The Emperor is a pretender! He's a clone of the original Kahless cooked up in a vat by ambitious clerics. And if you hadn't supported him, he'd be back in that vat where he came from! WORF I supported him because we need him. He can unite us! KOR The Sword will unite us -- but only if it's in the hands of a true Klingon. Not a politician like Gowron or a toothless figurehead like the Emperor... the Sword must rest in the hands of someone hardened by battle... pure of heart... someone who understands loyalty, honor... a warrior like Kang -- or Koloth! WORF Someone like you? Now that Worf mentions it... yes. Kor considers himself a worthy candidate. KOR The Empire could do far worse. Worf eyes him, Kor holds his gaze but isn't ready to confront Worf; the idea of keeping the Sword is too new. Dax looks to break the tension. DAX We should get moving. A beat, then Kor turns away to follow Dax, but Worf holds his ground.