DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/06/95 - ACT TWO 29. 39 CONTINUED: (2) Kor studies Worf for a beat; he's been thinking about something... KOR (to Worf) What did Toral mean when he said you spared his life? WORF When it was discovered that the House of Duras had conspired to destroy my father's honor, Gowron offered me Toral's life. KOR (of course) Under the Right of Vengeance. WORF I declined. Kor stops -- stunned. KOR Why? WORF He was a boy. He had done nothing. KOR That's beside the point -- it was a matter of honor. DAX It was Worf's right to decline. KOR It was a mistake -- perhaps it's true what they say about you... you've been around humans too long.