DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/03/95 - ACT TWO 23. 34 CONTINUED: KOR For a thousand years, our people have waited for this moment... They take a few hesitant steps toward it. Dax scans it with her tricorder. DAX The age... the composition... the design... everything's right. KOR How could you doubt it? Look at it! WORF It is more beautiful than I ever imagined. (to Kor) You should be the first to hold it. Kor steps toward it, his hands tremble. Gently he lifts it from its pedestal. He takes the Sword with both hands, holding it reverentially. Kor is engulfed with emotion -- this is a moment all Klingon warriors dream of. And, for the first time in Kor's life, words fail him. Dax smiles at her friend. DAX How does it feel? KOR Good. Very, very good. To think... Kahless himself held this Bat'leth... Kor hands it to an anxious Worf, who holds it with great reverence, tracing the curve of the blade. Worf's face is flush with emotion. WORF And with it he slew Molor... conquered the Fek'Ihri and forged the first Empire. And now... I hold it in my hands... Worf hands it back to Kor. Dax gives them their moment, then with reluctance: DAX We should go. The field destabilizers won't hold much longer.