137:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/04/95 - TEASER 5-5A. 6 CONTINUED: (2) WORF I've heard stories about you since I was a child. Your confrontation with Kirk on Organia, your attack on Romulus, your defense of the Korma Pass -- KOR Everything I've done pales in comparison to what I'm about to achieve. Worf's interest is piqued. KOR I'm on a quest... a quest for the most revered icon in Klingon history. DAX (a warning) Kor... KOR (caught up in the moment) An icon that predates the Klingon Empire, an icon more sacred than the Torch of G'boj -- DAX (stronger) Kor... KOR More revered than Sabak's armor, and more coveted than the Emperor's crown! WORF (awed) The Sword of Kahless. Dax looks at Kor -- what are you doing? DAX You told me not to tell anybody. KOR (what could I do?) He guessed! (to Worf) I know where the Sword rests. Imagine the glory!