DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - REV. 10/02/95 - TEASER 4. 6 CONTINUED: WORF I was just leaving. DAX Why don't you join us? I'll introduce you to Kor. WORF (quickly) No. (off her look) It might make the Dahar Master... uncomfortable. I am considered an outcast by most Klingons. DAX Kor is not like most Klingons. (calling out) Kor! Worf is very uncomfortable as Kor joins them. DAX I'd like you to meet our strategic operations officer, Commander Worf. KOR Ah, Worf the traitor. The pariah. The lowest of the low... Worf wants to crawl into a hole. KOR Pleasure to meet you. Any enemy of Gowron and the High Council is a friend of mine. They grasp forearms in a Klingon handshake. Worf is taken aback, awestruck. WORF This is a great honor. KOR No doubt. Worf doesn't really know what to say. Dax jumps in with: DAX (to Kor) Worf is a great admirer of yours.