12:[5,#b],21:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "The Sword... " - 09/29/95 - TEASER 1. STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "The Sword of Kahless" TEASER FADE IN: 1 INT. QUARK'S KOR -- the boisterous, aging Klingon survivor of "Blood Oath" -- recounts a story, surrounded by a small GROUP that includes DAX, O'BRIEN, BASHIR, ODO and KIRA. KOR -- walls of fire on one side, rivers of lava on the other... we snaked our way through the hot, smoldering canyon, our skin so parched and blistered it was thick as armor. Kang, Koloth and I had set out with forty legions and now, only we three remained to face T'nag's army. Fueled by bloodwine, Kor is a good raconteur, holding his audience spellbound. 2 NEW ANGLE WORF, sitting alone at the bar, listening to Kor with rapture. QUARK approaches. QUARK You know what I like about Klingon stories, Commander? Worf could care less, but Quark presses forth. QUARK Nothing. Lots of people die and nobody makes any profit. Worf flashes a glare at Quark, who darts away. 3 ON KOR continuing his tale.