103:[4,#b],156:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Little Green Men" - REV. 09/25/95 - ACT FIVE 57. 71 CONTINUED: And as Rom banks the ship... CUT TO: 72 EXT. NEVADA DESERT (OPTICAL) - NIGHT Close on the mushrooming cloud of a nuclear explosion. Hold on it for a second, and then the Ferengi shuttle zooms into screen and plunges into the cloud. 73 INT. FERENGI SHUTTLE (OPTICAL) The Ferengi shuttle is undergoing some serious shaking and stirring. QUARK I don't like this. ODO (concerned) Rom, tell your brother it's going to be all right. ROM It's going to be all right, Brother. (qualifying) I hope. Suddenly, the screen WHITES OUT. 74 EXT. SPACE (OPTICAL) The Earth as seen from space. Suddenly the Ferengi shuttle winks into existence and drifts across the screen, with no engine power. 75 INT. FERENGI SHUTTLE Odo, Quark, Rom and Nog regain consciousness. NOG Did we make it? ROM (trying to reassure himself) This doesn't look like the Divine Treasury. QUARK What year is it?