50:[9,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Little Green Men" - REV. 09/26/95 - ACT FIVE 51. 63 CONTINUED: CAPTAIN WAINWRIGHT You mean your people are going to invade... Cleveland? Nog moves closer to the map so that he's standing slightly in front of Wainwright. NOG No, not Cleveland. Here. And with that, Nog suddenly drives his elbow back into Wainwright's gut, pivots and decks him. Wainwright drops his pistol to the ground. Nog dives for the gun, but just before he reaches it, the remaining M.P. chambers his .45 and aims it right at Nog. NURSE GARLAND Don't hurt him. Nog looks from the gun, to the M.P., to Wainwright. NOG It was an accident. I tripped... I didn't mean to do it. Nurse Garland look imploringly at Jeff. CAPTAIN WAINWRIGHT (gasping for breath) Shoot him. But before the M.P. can pull the trigger... 64 NEW ANGLE Carlson impulsively slugs the M.P. and Nurse Garland slams Captain Wainwright over the head with a metal hospital tray. Both the M.P. and Wainwright slump into unconsciousness. NOG Thank you. QUARK We're all very grateful, but couldn't you have done that an hour ago? PROFESSOR CARLSON We've got to get you out of here.