14:[2,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Little Green Men" - REV. 09/20/95 - ACT FIVE 47. ACT FIVE FADE IN: 61 INT. INTERROGATION ROOM Close on Quark, who's screaming as he gets injected with a hypodermic needle. QUARK Would you please stop doing that? Wainwright looks to Nurse Garland, who doesn't even want to be here. NURSE GARLAND (getting tired of this) That's the fifth injection of sodium pentathol I've given him. It's not working. PROFESSOR CARLSON Their biochemistry is obviously nothing like ours. QUARK Then stop sticking me with those needles. NURSE GARLAND Captain, this is wrong. These people are our guests. CAPTAIN WAINWRIGHT People? They're not people, they're things. Invaders from another world. And it's up to us to put an end to whatever they're planning. 62 NEW ANGLE To include Rom and Nog strapped to their chairs, the bags off their heads. They both look like they'd rather be someplace else. Other than a large U.S. map on one wall and the hanging light, the room is frighteningly stark. CAPTAIN WAINWRIGHT (to Quark) Now if you don't tell me what I want to know, needles are going to be the least of your worries.