DEEP SPACE NINE: "Little Green Men" - REV. 10/09/95 - ACT FOUR 43. 55 CONTINUED: (2) But before Rom can answer, Quark jumps in. QUARK We're not going anywhere. (off reactions) We're staying right here. ROM But Brother, what about the bar? QUARK Who cares about the bar? I'm telling you, Rom... we stay here and inside a year, we'll be running this place. ROM You mean the military base? QUARK I mean the whole planet. Odo harumphs. QUARK Harumph all you want. But these humans, they're not like the ones from the Federation. They're crude, gullible and greedy. ODO You mean, like you. QUARK These are humans I can understand... and manipulate. NOG But Uncle, what about the timeline? QUARK Forget this timeline. The one we're going to create will be better. Once we've got things in order here, we'll contact the Ferengi homeworld, and sell them our ship. The Ferengi will have warp drive technology centuries before humans or Klingons or even the Vulcans. We'll establish an economic empire beyond even Grand Nagus Zek's wildest dreams. And I'll control it all.