85:[1,#b] DEEP SPACE NINE: "Little Green Men" - 09/19/95 - ACT FOUR 37. 50 CONTINUED: (3) GENERAL DENNING You know, Quark, you might be some kind of Martian... QUARK (interrupting) Ferengi. GENERAL DENNING Whatever. But the more we talk, the more you remind me of my brother-in-law. QUARK Is he a businessman? GENERAL DENNING He's a car salesman. And not a very good one. QUARK Then he's nothing like me. GENERAL DENNING (smoldering) The bottom line is I don't trust him and I don't trust you. So before we sit down and sign any contracts, you're going to tell me what the hell you people are really doing here. By the end of the above speech, Denning is in Quark's face. Quark backs away, but tries to stay calm. QUARK (rational) I just told you. We're here to open up trade negotiations. If you're not interested, just say so. I'm sure I can do business with one of your planet's other nation states. GENERAL DENNING In other words, if we don't play ball, you'll sell those advanced weapons of yours to the Russians. Quark has no idea who the Russians are, but he can tell Denning doesn't like him.